GBI Great British Investments

Tax Efficiency – GBI

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IFA Spotlight

More Tax Efficiency – GBI News

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About GBI Magazine

GB Investments is a campaigning magazine for the financial adviser community, focussing on tax efficient investments such as EIS, Seed EIS, VCT, SITR and BR, and the obvious advantages they can provide to Advisers’ clients in terms of tax, pension and intergenerational planning.

Each edition features articles on each of the core investment type as well as on-going insight into successful exits and new launches in the market place.

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About GBI Great British Investments

Editorially, we seek to highlight the value of the investment opportunities themselves and the contribution they make to society in terms of job creation, in addition to the tax advantages associated with these investments.

One of our primary objectives is increasing use of these investments amongst financial advisers.

Find out more about the team below.