I’m delighted to welcome you to the first issue of GB Investments magazine for 2022, let’s hope it’s an auspicious year for our sector. As we move towards what is probably our busiest time in the run up to Tax Year End, we have another packed issue for you to read.

We caught up with our friend and colleague Mark Brownridge before he hands over the baton to the new Director General at the EISA, Christiana Stewart-Lockhart. We wanted to wish him well from the team at GBI but also to take a few minutes to look at all that he has achieved during his extraordinary tenure at EISA.


We chat to Harry Heartfield of Edition Capital about the bounce-back taking place in the leisure industry and his predictions for growth over the next 10 years. Our Editor Pete Wilson spoke to Paul Rous, founder and partner at Regenerate Ventures about their agritech which is set to transform the agricultural sector in terms of its impact towards sustainability and reduction of global emissions.

We have exciting and topical features this month on Follow-On and Scale-Up funds, two terms that are commonly used but less commonly explained in any detail. In conversation with Martin Fox are Fred Soneya (Haatch Ventures) and Sanjeev Gordhan (Newable) who offer excellent clarity and real case studies to talk us through the details and highlight some of the key elements of both.

Our focus on funds looks at the Investment journeys of founders and partners of Start-Ups from the Deepbridge Life Sciences EIS. I’m sure you will enjoy these insights into innovative medical and veterinary health technology who together really exemplify the long-term benefits of the EIS schemes to UK Plc.


Oxford Capital brings us insights into mitigating risks through investment in early stage companies and Octopus brings us the story of one company aiming to change the vaccine market.

If you haven’t had an opportunity to browse our new look open offers section on the website you can take a look at the investment opportunities here https://staging.ifamagazine.com/open-offers

As ever, we hope you enjoy the read!


Alex Sullivan
Publishing Director

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