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I&P Podcast #2:  What’s going on in protection and why does it matter? With MetLife’s Rich Horner

Supporting advisers to deliver more efficient and effective protection solutions for clients is an area not always given much attention in the media. However, with Consumer Duty and delivering robust, holistic financial planning for clients being high on everyone’s agenda, the importance of protection can often be overlooked. 

But this is an area where there are new developments and new ideas for advisers to consider – and it’s not all about life cover! 


Rich Horner, Head of Individual Protection at MetLife UK is Sue and Brandon’s guest on this week’s IFA Talk podcast and is particularly focused on growing the reputation and take up of protection products as a key part of the financial planning process. 

Their conversation with Rich includes useful detail on what’s going on in protection just now that advisers need to know about and how having the right approach to protection can have a positive impact on an adviser’s business as well as on their clients’ well being. 

Check out the conversation below:


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