One in five Brits treat their plants like children, but why?

This mother’s day, parents across the UK will be showered with well-deserved gifts, but now there’s a new type of mum to buy for.

With searches for “plant mums” increasing by 40% in the last month1 and over 1.6 billion views on #plantmum TikTok content, Brits are becoming more focused on becoming a good parent for their houseplants. 

In fact, new research2 by greetings card marketplace thortful found that one in five (21%) treat them like a child or pet, 27% worry about their wellbeing when they aren’t at home and a third (30%) even talk to them as if they are human. But why do we have such a connection with plants?


Teaming up with horticultural expert Ann Summerhayes at Inside Job Productions, thortful and Ann explain why there is a new trend on parenting a plant and the best ways to care for them.

Plus, to celebrate all of the plant mums out there, thortful has also launched a range of plant-mum cards to gift on Mother’s Day

Why do we have such a connection with plants?


Now with over 214,000 #plantmums Instagram hashtags, there are many proud parents that have a huge connection with their plants. Ann explains, “Nature really is the root of everything, and we know that anything from a breath of fresh air to walking barefoot on the grass can make us somehow feel grounded and free at the same time. Rather than thinking of plants as just a bit of greenery, we see them as sentient beings, capable of intelligence and intuition.”

Why do you think we see plants as a pet or child?

Taking care of plants can foster a sense of responsibility and pride in their growth and health. Ann adds “When plants are flourishing, it can bring a sense of accomplishment and pride. When they’re struggling, it prompts us to reassess how we care for them and provide them with necessary attention and nurturing. This connection with plants can be deeply rewarding and fulfilling, enriching our lives in various ways – just as children and pets do.”

What are the main benefits of having houseplants?


As well as looking great and being aesthetically pleasing to a home, plants have fantastic benefits for out mental and physical health. Ann says, “Plants are brilliant at improving indoor environments. They contribute to air purification by absorbing harmful toxins and releasing oxygen thereby improving indoor air quality. The sense of joy and fulfilment you get from feeling like a responsible plant parent is a mood booster too!” 

What are the best ways to care for a plant?

Ann’s top tips are:

1.      “Get your fingers in there! Over and under-watering plants is a common cause of killing plants so feeling the soil to assess moisture levels is key. If you’re not keen on getting your hands dirty (though it’s part the fun), investing in a water meter is a good alternative. “

2.      Add a layer of stones or gravel to cover the soil surface of plants. Not only does it look nicer than bare soil, but it helps to retain moisture and deters common pests such as fungus gnats.  


3.      And finally, the most important tip – don’t mollycoddle them! Just like us, plants need their space to grow and thrive. Pay attention to what they’re telling you – they will definitely let you know what they need.

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