@peter_IFAMAG reads Twitter so you don’t have to.
Bloomberg reports nearly all of the gains made in the S&P 500 came overnight since June 8th. This leads Jim Bianco, President of Bianco Research LLC, to say, ‘this is why day trading is impossible’. Elsewhere Money Group finishes a fresh round of funding.
The ECB announces they will invest in green bond funds, read Christine Lagards full speech here.
➡️ We will invest in the green bond fund set up by @BIS_org. This will make our own funds portfolio greener and more sustainable 3/4 https://t.co/0PGGRX6RmL
— Christine Lagarde (@Lagarde) January 25, 2021
The head of Bafin revealed to have been sceptical of the Wirecard scandal, even after the reports of €1.8bn missing from their accounts.
The delusional state of German regulators over Wirecard : Bafin head thought there was a 50-50 chance that the reported missing cash was part of an attack by investors betting against the company @FT @OlafStorbeck
https://t.co/qKiDFah3NS— Anne-Sylvaine Chassany (@ChassNews) January 25, 2021
Transaction levies end following the UK’s leaving the single market, Mastercard will charge 1.5% up from .3%.
Jim Bianco shares a fascinating graph showing gains made in the S&P 500 overwhelmingly happening after hours.
You right about overnight gains
Since June 8, the S&P is up 608 points. 601 came overnight, only 7 came during the day (this is why day trading is impossible).
From 1989 to 2016, none of the gains came overnight. Now all the gains come overnight. https://t.co/keZ6ImsO0r pic.twitter.com/PSVQbnwHpl
— Jim Bianco (@biancoresearch) January 25, 2021
Meanwhile Deliveroo prep for $7bn IPO.
And finally, Tracey Alloway reports on the ‘Darwinian movement’ happening in UK retail as news comes of ASOS buying Topshop and BooHoo buying Debenhams.
This pandemic is accelerating a Darwinian movement in retail. Strong getting stronger and the weak are falling away. A bit of a moment that Boohoo, the online fast fashion retailer, is buying the rights to 243 year old Debenhams. No stores involved in the deal.
— Ashley Armstrong (@AArmstrong_says) January 25, 2021
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