@peter_IFAMAG reads Twitter so you don’t have to.

Bloomberg reports nearly all of the gains made in the S&P 500 came overnight since June 8th. This leads Jim Bianco, President of Bianco Research LLC, to say, ‘this is why day trading is impossible’. Elsewhere Money Group finishes a fresh round of funding.

The ECB announces they will invest in green bond funds, read Christine Lagards full speech here.

The head of Bafin revealed to have been sceptical of the Wirecard scandal, even after the reports of €1.8bn missing from their accounts.

Transaction levies end following the UK’s leaving the single market, Mastercard will charge 1.5% up from .3%.


Jim Bianco shares a fascinating graph showing gains made in the S&P 500 overwhelmingly happening after hours.

Meanwhile Deliveroo prep for $7bn IPO.


And finally, Tracey Alloway reports on the ‘Darwinian movement’ happening in UK retail as news comes of ASOS buying Topshop and BooHoo buying Debenhams.

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